In 2010, 77 people were killed in workplace fatalities. In 2015 that number has been reduced to 35, however 35 is still too many deaths. Construction ranks 3rd in fatalities behind agriculture and extra activities, not to mention the work related injuries. Then there is the cost to construction companies surrounding these issues to consider. Site nets installed at construction sites would greatly reduce this number. What are Site Nets? Site Nets are nets strategically placed around construction sites to catch falling people or debris, thus making the site a much safer environment. However you should only use certified companies. is a certified company and is dedicated to the safety of people. Why Site Nets over other companies though? Site Nets has 35 years of high quality safety net experience. Our dedication to quality ensures our nets are tested to maximum safety. These nets have now been certified as flameproof which has covered a highly neglected safety area and once installed at a site the nets are regularly checked and maintained.
FASET Safety Net Rigger Training
Our safety net professionals have all successfully completed the FASET course for safety net rigger (General), working to the requirements of EN1263/2 and BS8411, using EN1263/1 safety nets and attachments and has met the criteria laid down within the scheme and prior to training.
We have also team members that have completed FASET Safety Net Repair Certificate, and a Safety Net Inspectors Certificate.
Silver Card EWP Operator training
Unit standards
23966 V1 Types of EWP and Legislation
23960 V2 Work Hazards and Scissor Lift
23962 V2 Work Hazards and Boom Lift

So contact us today for an obligation free quote where we will strive to meet your requirements and your budget, as a bonus we install nationwide.