Are cheap safety nets the solution?

Let’s face it, construction is expensive, building is expensive and kiwis like to get a good deal. However, when it comes to safety nets a good deal is not all you should be thinking of. Buying a safety net because it is cheap or solely because it is a good deal can end in disaster.

Safety nets for scaffolding

Safety nets are the most efficient and cost effective fall protection barrier. Scaffold safety nets are used around the perimeter of the scaffolding to prevent any falls from materials or workers falling off. This not only protects the workers but the material, adjacent buildings and any public passing by. Safety nets mean the workers can

How Strong Are Our Nets?

When considering safety equipment, you will want to be confident that it will be up to the task and hold up under pressure, when they are needed. The last thing anyone wants is after putting the effort to get safety equipment for it to fail in the case of an accident. The strength of the

What Are Our Safety Nets Made Of?

The material that a safety net is made of is one of the biggest factors which determines it’s strength and ability to perform it’s task of catching falling objects. Different materials can be used for different purposes depending on what the net has been designed for. What are our nets made of? The nets we

Deciding Between Vertical Or Horizontal Netting

When deciding on netting, it is important to select the netting system which will best work for your application. Both horizontal and vertical netting have their benefits, so it will depend on the requirements at hand. Vertical netting. Vertical netting offers many benefits, such as increased safety by preventing debris from falling from the building