Fall Protection Safety Nets Save Lives!

When you are working on a potentially dangerous site, such as a construction site, you have to consider the safety of yourself or your workers, and those around you as well, such as the public. High heights are of particular danger to both workers and the public.

Fall_protection_safety_netsThe leading cause of death of construction works is due to falls. The is something that can easily be prevented with correctly installed fall protection safety netting systems. One of the other highest causes of death on a work site is caused by being struck by a falling object. Again, something that could 99% of the time be easily prevented with correct fall protection safety netting.

Sitenets Ltd can help you to improve the safety of your construction site one hundred fold by correctly installing a quality safety net to ensure that death due to falls and falling objects does not occur. A properly installed fall protection safety net can really mean the difference between life and dealth! Talk to us today about your safety netting installation by calling 0800 378921.